Monday, October 14, 2013


Today, I am thankful. These past few weeks, I’ve been having a hard time. So naturally, a lot of my thinking has gone toward suffering and hope for the future and how things are supposed to be uncomfortable because we are waiting for Jesus to come back, which are all great things to think about. But, I forgot how much that God has already given me right now.  So here are 36 things that I am thankful for from the past 36 hours (originally was going to do 24 but there are too many):

1. Phone conversations
2. Sunshine
3. God’s consistent faithfulness day after day after day
4. It’s Katy’s birthday today!!! The best sister to put up with me and Nathan :)
5. Car rides to think
6. Seeing Christ transform lives in front of my face
7. Pastors that fix cars
8. Being able to complain to the right person
9. Friends with big teeth (hi Euna)
10. Friends that are trolls
11. Friends that are bullies
12. Friends that listen and talk
13. Seeing how the church practically provides
14. Hot showers
15. Brushing my teeth
16. Roommates to love
17. A practical education
18. Books by people with big brains
19. Meeting new people
20. My church family
21. Crunchy leaves to step on
22. My baker friends
23. Relationships with a lot of forgiveness embedded in
24. A place to call home
25. Parents that still surprise me with how much they care
26. God hooking up our church with the exact right people
27. Outside nighttime talks
28. Coffee
29. People that challenge me
30. People to laugh at me
31. That the bible is right and I am wrong
32. Serving the church
33. Working with people I love and respect
34. Being known (as scary as it is to not be able to hide)
35. My failures that force me to stop trusting in myself
36. Sundays!


  1. Bleh I needed that... It's funny how fast I am to complain but not to give thanks to God for everythign He's already doing :)

  2. i love everything about your list of 36!
    thanks for this, jess (:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the smiles, I enjoyed reading this, esp #16. I'm gonna make one too.


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